So it has been a while since my last post, I couldn’t find the time between work, family, and… a musical. Now I know what you are thinking… How is being in a musical “Manly” (especially when it is “The Rocky Horror Show.) The answer…it isn’t….unless you are the character I played… EDDIE!!!
For you that are trying to keep your man card and pretending you don’t know who that is, it is the character played by Meatloaf in the movie.
After a few rehearsals my world crashed down around me when I realized “The Character I played in a Musical is Man-lier than me.”
Now I know you are thinking that there is no way anyone real or make-believe can be Man-lier than me but I will tell you to sit down, get a nice warm beverage, and cancel your plans for the rest of the day because the truth is a little nerve racking.
As you can see from the picture, EDDIE looks fierce (not Tyra Banks “Fierce” but the I will build you a village just to burn it down type of “Fierce”) with a leather jacket, black boots, ripped jeans, and a skull cap showing just a little brain. I…when not in uniform, usually rock an ironic T-shirt, Pajama pants, and my newly acquired trucker hat with reindeer antlers (I only wear the hat because it’s getting close to Christmas…however I am contemplating starting a trend and wearing horrible holiday gear in the summer months only.)
So Eddie is known for being a bad boy biker, I on the other hand, drive a PRIUS… usually this is when I defend my car by saying “Yeah, but it gets good mileage”… however depending on the type of bike (we don’t know what kind it is because like the picture says I won’t even attempt to draw a motorcycle) it probably beats the Prius in that category too.
Yeah so Eddie stays up all night taking drugs, chasing women, and chasing the drugs with beer. I usually try to start winding down no later than 8 o’clock, chasing little boys to bed, and chasing my SLEEPY PILL with apple juice and a episode of Glee.
And last but by not least…by the time you see Eddie appear on stage he is dripping blood, brain hanging out, and still able to bring the house down with the song “Hot Patootie.” ME…..TRUE STORY…after the last show, we were tearing the set down and I happened to grab a piece of wood that had a nail sticking out. I got a cut probably less than an inch long, I immediately got a band aid, but as I was cleaning the “WOUND” I almost started crying from the alcohol wipes I was using to keep my “Boo Boo” from getting infected.
So the moral to the story…Eddie might be more of a Man, but the musical is over, he is dead (In fact since he dies so fast, I also was in the chorus the rest of the time and ended up dying twice every show) and I am the last man standing… so I WIN.