Monday, August 29, 2011

How to balance Man-liness

So I get the question everyday…How are you so Man-ly??? Well O.K….I don’t get that question EVERY day…O.K. so I have never been asked it…but if I was…I think the answer would be “It’s all about balance.”  I think the key to being a “Good Man” (the name of the blog right???) Is not just being overtly manly…you have to have another side to your Man-liness.
I think I have a good balance…one part “Man’s Man” one part “Not so Man-ly” and sprinkle in a little geek.
Here are some real events that happened in my life within the past 2 weeks.

While I was auditioning for “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” my “Man-dar” (I should trade mark that phrase) somehow found a T.V. within a few feet of the music room that was showing a football game.

When playing with my son’s…we took turns in between dancing, and fighting.

After waiting all Sunday to find out who won the “Glee Project”and who will be on the next season of Glee …I then watched the season premier of “Top Shot” a show where they have to shoot different weapons in different scenarios.

And last but by FAR not least…as I took a road trip this weekend, the boys were asleep and I was singing along to the radio and I followed up “Let the bodies hit the floor” with ABBA’s “Fernando.”
So the moral to the story,,,and the answer to the question no one asks me (except in my head)…MODERATION…and by the way…I still don’t know if I look good in fish nets…and I plan to never know.

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