Thursday, December 22, 2011

The true meaning of Christmas “Operation Neighborhood Light War”

I have always been a Halloween man…Never really understood the hype of Christmas, but really liked a holiday where you dress up, scare people, and get free candy from strangers.  But when you have kids, different holidays have a little more meaning.
This year with the boys being two…Christmas is a big deal.  They love lights, Santa, and Frosty (at least I am pretty sure they like frosty since in less than 3 weeks we have watched the cartoon about 500 times.)
Me being the “think ahead” instinctive man that I am, I knew that this would happen, so I waited until after Christmas last year to get a bunch of Christmas lights on sale.
Since I didn’t have outside decorations growing up, and have never cared, I thought the 200 ft of  lights I got for like 25 dollars and a light up snowman  I got last year would be enough… boy was I wrong.

My false since of “awesome” decorations was also helped by the fact that I had the day before Thanksgiving off so that is when I decorated, that evening when I looked upon the splendor of festiveness I called my house, I was truly in awe (since no one else had anything up)
I have conquered Christmas on my first attempt… it was a lot easier than I thought… Until later that weekend when I looked outside and saw….
Wow…blinking lights, dangling lights, chasing lights OH MY!!!

MAN THINKING…”In less than 48hours, I officially ruined Christmas for my family…or did I…it’s still November…It’s the weekend, Time to go shopping”
My original idea of buying a few decorations after Christmas every year went out the window…For I would be the “King of Christmas” THIS year.
Trying to still save money I decided to go to “Price busters” yes I only spent 20 dollars, but all I got is two solar light Santa heads that you can’t tell when the light comes on…. And a 4 foot solar Santa that doesn’t even work even though I changed the batteries twice.
Having failed again…I was going to let it go…until one night (since we currently live in Hawaii the window is open almost all the time to let the cool breeze flow through the house) I heard the neighbors walking outside and the husband said to his wife “we need more lights.”
AAAAAAHHH HAAA!!!!  It was a competition, I wasn’t Paranoid, they feel threatened by my  “Yuletide” (Am I saying that right…I’m new at this Christmas spirit stuff)  I can still be king…so the next day…

So after going to three different stores, and spending more than 5 times my original budget last year my house was ready for the competition…

I DID IT!!! Waited a few days…no activity from the neighbor…One week into December…I won.
But what did I win…NOTHING.
On my way home from work last week I drove the long way around the block… and I saw a house seven houses away,,, so extravagant that not only could you see it from space… It has several different “Scenes” playing out in separate areas in there yard, then the next house over has snow in the yard for their mechanical deer’s to stand on “SNOW!!!!! THIS IS HAWAII AND HE HAS SNOW!!!!!”  Another house had a Santa train on the roof, another had 3 inflatable’s…and so on and so on.
Now it’s the week before Christmas I am probably the 8th best house on the block.  Me being in the “Christmas spirit” I figured I can’t win this year but I am half tempted to leave my mark.  Since my Christmas is now ruined…I want to write a message to the neighbor kids in lights.

After all of this…I can’t wait until next year…it is so ON!!!!

Merry Christmas.

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