For most, well adjusted, responsible adults, a story about a good Monday usually starts with chirping birds, and the smell of coffee and bacon wafting gently into your nose holes (I know I could have said nostrils but “nose holes” seems more poetic.)
Well luckily for us… I am not that person, in fact the reason this morning was incredible for me… it ends with someone else feeling like crap.
So I wake up like normal…you know, the 3rd time my alarm goes off…normal. Brush teeth, shave, change… normal. Get into my Prius…(not normal for most manly men…but for me…NORMAL.) Driving down the road with an angry truck tailgating…for me… normal… you see I like to do a thing called “Driving the speed limit” (I know the majority of you have no idea what I am talking about, but especially in a housing area early in the morning…you should try it.)
So I get to the stop sign and unlike most people…I STOP… not slow down…stop. Luckily I did this, because the truck behind me couldn’t take going the speed limit anymore (maybe because he is only getting 5 miles a gallon in his “Testosterone Mobile” and he needed to go fill up.) So he takes off and passes me as I am at the stop sign…speaking of signs…he decided to show me a sign of his own as he passed me. Now living on a military post, I am used to this macho no need to follow rules crap, so I didn’t think anything of it. The thing that made me believe that this is going to be a good week, 3 blocks later right before the front gate I see this.
Not just one…but two police cars…Now every bone in my body wanted to flip him off when I passed to return the sign he gave me three blocks ago… but instead I took the high road…and just pointed and laughed as I passed.