Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Can you really give your kids their old toys again for good behavior

So the boys just turned three this week, yet we have still had off and on problems with keeping them in their beds at night. Since I took two weeks off of work, I decided to take this time to fix the problem.  Now I know that there will be different schools of thoughts on my parenting skills (even though I am wondering why I haven't been approached on writing a parenting book since I am THAT good.) but sometimes even I am amazed at how easy this parenting thing is. (like I said  I am THAT good.)

So my first weekend of vacation I went to Toys R us, and picked up a  LOT of toys on sale.  I then decided that every night before their bedtime story I would make a  big production and lay out all of the the toys and let them pick out which toy they would get if they stayed in their bed all night. I would say that this was the easiest part, however it was really difficult sometimes to not sway them in their decision just because I secretly wanted to play with a certain toy in the morning.

The first night was a little difficult, but the whole week in general was really good. But then we started running out of the COOL toys (and that's not just me saying that, the boys were saying that too.) Now I knew that I was going to have to slowly taper off, but that's when Greyson...the smart little cookie that he is...instead gave me a better idea.

Now to you, that might not be anything special...except, that is the Ironman toy that he got a few months ago. I tried to tell him that it was already his but he insisted "Dad I want Ironman for staying in bed."

I started to have a moral dilemma, should I really do this, knowing that he has stayed in his bed for seven nights now, he will get it in the morning, everyone wins right...well about 3 in the morning I got this...


So now comes moral dilemma #2... he didn't stay in his bed, but that is already his toy... so what do you do, what should a Awesome parent like me do??? Lets just put it this way Greyson is really excited to stay in his bed tonight to get his Ironman back... and now I am wondering what other skills I can get them to learn by leveraging Christmas.