Thursday, August 30, 2012

Preseason football is just like going to high school

So I can’t believe that preseason football is almost over and I haven’t even had a football post yet this year.
Usually preseason is the best time to be a Seahawks fan, because you can pretend that “this is our year,” however this year (and this might just be the “preseason” talking) but this actually is our year. (ask me again in about 6 weeks.)
I love this time of year, everyone still has hopes and dreams, and everyone is still a Superbowl contender. It’s great; however I have realized that Preseason is a lot like High School
This year the NFL has a new uniform maker (Nike) so just like the first day of school, I was excited to see what all the “Cool” kids were wearing this year.

Then you have all the drama of who is dating who, or as I see it “Free Agency.”

Then like the beginning of the school year…you have to pick your “Homecoming King.” For football fans, unless you have a solid quarterback…that is what selecting QB 1 is like.

Luckily all the drama is almost over, and the real season starts next week. Now… if we can just do something with these substitute teachers…I mean replacement referees.

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